First and foremost, Thank you to everyone who has already shown me support! I have 'Team Awesome' Doing it with me and bundles of cheerleaders!

Realization of the day - Need to go grocery shopping!

Breakfast and lunch were both provided at work today so I tried to stick to the healthiest possible options.

I had coffee and fruit for breakfast
Chicken and rice for lunch with salad
and for dinner I had pan seared halibut with corn and salad.
I'm very proud of myself for not snacking today! Tomorrow's goal , drink more water!

I made extra fish to have for lunch tomorrow. When I said 'made' I took the boxed frozen fish and put it in a frying pan. I was feeling exceptionally lazy tonight but they are only 6 weight watchers points per fillet. Not particularly tasty so I wont be buying those again. 

I think tomorrow is going to be oven roasted chicken with either green beans or broccoli for dinner and a smoothie for breakfast. As long as I finish work by 5pm tomorrow I'm also going to hit the gym. I can't wait until it warms up again so I can take the dog for a proper walk!

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