Tried a new recipe today. Zucchini boats. They were Delish and only 7pts+ for two!

They must have been good because I don't think Dan noticed they were healthy! Lol.

I bought a Hamilton Beach single serving blender that blends right in to a travel cup for $16 at Walmart today. Should be perfect for smoothies before work. I am excited to try it tomorrow!

I struggled a little bit yesterday. I was at my parents house for most of the day helping out. At my house I have no junk food but there it was right in front of me and I picked at it on and off throughout today. Clearly I need to work on my self control!

Oh well. I got groceries today and my house is full of delish healthy food!

I did take my before pics but Only just had the courage to put them up. They are horrific. Oh well, guess that's a part of why I am doing this! 

Weigh in #1 01/25/14
I only sarted Wednesday but as I know Saturdys are going to be my weigh in day every week, I might as well get started. Down 1.8! Woohoo! It's a small early victory but I am happy!

It has only been a couple days so I'm trying not to be overly excited as the scale can fluctuate from day to day, but I'll take it!

Because I am doing Weight Watchers I thought I would explain the program a little. It is a points based program. Every food is awarded a points value based on fat, fiber, protein, and carbs. Fruit and veggies are 0pts. You get a set amount of points per day based on age and weight. Plus an additional weekly allowance of 49 Pts regardless of weight. It is optional if you use these.

I get 35 Pts a day. You can eat almost anything but if you go for a Big Mac (14pts) you wont have many points left to use for the rest of the day.

Activity earns you addition points that are optional to use. There are also daily health checks: 6 water 3 dairy 5 fruit or veg 1 multivitamin and 2 oils.

Dan is already complaining that there is no junk food in the house lol. I made a shopping list today and found lots of great recipes on Pinterest I cant wait to try out!

Before pics coming soon!


Just a quick post tonight. Super sleepy!

Didn't have a chance for lunch at all today and just a boost protein shake for breakfast but it was a good day! Chicken and rice for dinner.

I'll do a proper update tomorrow and I'll get my before pics posted! Not looking forward to that!


First and foremost, Thank you to everyone who has already shown me support! I have 'Team Awesome' Doing it with me and bundles of cheerleaders!

Realization of the day - Need to go grocery shopping!

Breakfast and lunch were both provided at work today so I tried to stick to the healthiest possible options.

I had coffee and fruit for breakfast
Chicken and rice for lunch with salad
and for dinner I had pan seared halibut with corn and salad.
I'm very proud of myself for not snacking today! Tomorrow's goal , drink more water!

I made extra fish to have for lunch tomorrow. When I said 'made' I took the boxed frozen fish and put it in a frying pan. I was feeling exceptionally lazy tonight but they are only 6 weight watchers points per fillet. Not particularly tasty so I wont be buying those again. 

I think tomorrow is going to be oven roasted chicken with either green beans or broccoli for dinner and a smoothie for breakfast. As long as I finish work by 5pm tomorrow I'm also going to hit the gym. I can't wait until it warms up again so I can take the dog for a proper walk!


I have been over weight my entire life. I can't remember exactly when I went over 200lbs, but I think it was in highschool. I dropped down about 40lbs in highschool and then over time gained it all back. I weight also fluctuates a lot. The two pictures below are taken only a couple months apart.

I have tried everything except tried and true dedication I think. I am a living, breathing roller coaster. I have done Weight Watchers (many times), Jenny Craig, Pills, Dr. Poon, Dr. Brown, Low calorie, low fat, and an extreme measure I don't even want to openly talk about ( message me privatley if you are considering drastic measures because I have stories that may convince you otherwise!) I have a gym membership I don't use and a bucket full of excuses as to why. I was 'wogging' (what I fondly call a mix of running and jogging) 5K races and my biggest accomplishment was a 10K. It was freezin cold and pouring rain but with the help of Dan I was able to make it through. I was so proud! Then I got really sick. I ended up in the ER. Without getting in to all the details right now I have neurpathic pain  and it's triggered by exertion and stress. I'm not making it up, I swear! But I have medication to keep it under control. Other than one trip to the gym I haven't exercised since.

I don't want to focus on the negatives though. This is a new start! It used to be about being comfortable in my skin, now its about my health. I have enough health problems without giving myself more to worry about.I want to have kids and to be a positive influence in my children's life. I want to be able to shop in 'regular' stores and not just one's that carries plus sizes. I want my life to be centered around my family and friends, not around my next meal.

I am making the conscious decision to start my journey to a healther me, right now. Not tomorrow, not Saturday. NOW. I will officially weigh in on Saturday and i'll post my weight weekly but I did weigh in this past Saturday at 223.4. My highest, that I know of, was 228 right after Christmas. I started doing weight watchers last Saturday and it was going well until yestrday. I worked 15hrs and got food brought to me throughout the day. I was feeling guilty and saw a You Tube video my friend had posted about beginning her Weight Loss journey and offering to let others on a weight loss journey tag on for the ride! While I am going to stick to WW, I think I need a little bit more structure to get me started off right. She is going to be my weight loss buddy :) follow her here at she is doing the "whole30" plan which is VERY similar, if not the to the Dr. Brown diet I did before and it works wonders. I felt so much better after just a week. I found it really hard though with all the meals out of work so WW is probably a better, more flexible option for me. I'm going to try and mix the two to make it work for me.  

I'm going to post my daily meals, any great recipies i come across, and hopefully some information for others! I'll also take a couple before pictures on Saturday so I can visually see my progress!

This has turned in to a massive first post but I wanted to start from the beginning!

- Kat