Weigh in #1 01/25/14
I only sarted Wednesday but as I know Saturdys are going to be my weigh in day every week, I might as well get started. Down 1.8! Woohoo! It's a small early victory but I am happy!

It has only been a couple days so I'm trying not to be overly excited as the scale can fluctuate from day to day, but I'll take it!

Because I am doing Weight Watchers I thought I would explain the program a little. It is a points based program. Every food is awarded a points value based on fat, fiber, protein, and carbs. Fruit and veggies are 0pts. You get a set amount of points per day based on age and weight. Plus an additional weekly allowance of 49 Pts regardless of weight. It is optional if you use these.

I get 35 Pts a day. You can eat almost anything but if you go for a Big Mac (14pts) you wont have many points left to use for the rest of the day.

Activity earns you addition points that are optional to use. There are also daily health checks: 6 water 3 dairy 5 fruit or veg 1 multivitamin and 2 oils.

Dan is already complaining that there is no junk food in the house lol. I made a shopping list today and found lots of great recipes on Pinterest I cant wait to try out!

Before pics coming soon!

1/26/2014 10:50:48 am

WOOO HOO! Love it!! Keep it up!...I have been M.I.A since Friday but just posted a short and sweet msg until tomorrow, If you try any recipes that you guys liked, let me know and I will pass mine along too :) check out the dressing I posted on mine today;) You are awesome! WE are awesome....GO TEAM AWESOME!! :D xo


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